Residual Hauntings
A residual haunt is usually linked to a tragic event that took place in the person's human lifetime. This can often be linked to the person's death. These spirits don't have any recognition to their surroundings or people around them. Think of it as a tape player that is played back over and over again. This event can take place once a week, once a month, or once a year. You never know when it can happen. This can be the person recreating their death, or something that happened during their previous life. These spirits cannot interact with humans or their surroundings.
Intelligent Hauntings
These are often referred to as traditional hauntings or typical haunts. The spirits are aware of their surroundings and people around them. These spirits are capable of communicating with the living. They can also have many different classifications such as being benevolent, benign, or malevolent which are described below. These beings are the most common type of spirit you may find on your travels.
Benevolent Hauntings
These spirits are of the protective nature. They are often related to the person(s) they are watching over or have a very strong connection with a particular person. It is said this spirit is here to protect the living from a demon or other negative entity.
Malevolent Hauntings
These are said to be angry spirits. They commonly try to get the attention of the living. These spirits are said to have had a bad personality in the previous life and can be very defensive of their home where the present living resides. Another theory is that this spirit can be sad and want the living to feel their pain and misery. These hauntings are often linked to poltergeist activity.
Benign Hauntings
These entities are unconcerned with their surroundings and the people around them. Many times a spirit will pass over and not realize that they are dead and tend to be unconcerned of the things around them. These entities are often related to residual hauntings.
Poltergeist Hauntings
Referred to as the noisy spirits, these entities are said to be attracted by people who are fearful as they tend to have a higher level of energy surrounding them than others and they feed off of this energy. Poltergeists tend to rattle, move, throw, and misplace items. They want your attention and get it by throwing items around to scare you. These entities are full of mischief and often playful in nature. There are some cases reported where poltergeists are very frightening and ominous. Very rarely has it been told of a poltergeist lifting a human.
Demonic Hauntings
These are inhuman spirits which are often referred to as demons. They are very strong and very powerful beings capable of lifting and hurling large heavy objects and attacking humans. Fortunately, these cases are very rare. Indications of an inhuman spirit include growling and scratching noises, higher climate temperature, and the foul stench that smells like sulfur or rotting flesh. These beings have never walked the earth in a human form and tend to favor an animal type form. In some reports, they have been described as having the head of a goat, torso of a human, and legs of a horse. When seen these beings tend to be seen in a mist or shadow form. These beings should not be toyed with. You should not attempt to make contact with an inhuman spirit. If you feel a very evil presence in your home, there are special types of people who may be able to help you called a demonologist. Never attempt to make contact with a demon. This is why we are strongly against the use of Ouija boards.
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