Ancient Egyptian concept of a person's essence, believed to be be immortal.
Most often associated with Ireland and Scotland, the Banshee is an omen spirit that forewarns people of an impending tragedy.
In Tibetan Buddhism, an intermediate state of existence, usually referring to the state between life and rebirth.
Basic Technique
Term used in card-guessing tests of clairvoyance, in which the top card of the deck is placed to one side after each guess.
Bermuda Triangle (The 'Devils Triangle')
A geographical area located off the south eastern Atlantic coast of the United States this area has been subject to a number of unexplainable losses of ships, boats and aircraft, including an entire squadron of TBM Avengers.
Billet Reading
Procedure in which a question is secretly written on a piece of paper which is folded or sealed in an envelope, and handed to the psychic who attempts to answer the question.
Being (or appearing to be) in two different places at the same time.
A general term for techniques that involve giving a person information about their current physiological state (e.g., heart rate, EEG). Biofeedback is used to enable people to control consciously their physiological processes.
Psychokinetic effects on biological processes.
Black Dogs (Hell Hounds)
There have been countless reports over the world of these phantom 'canine' like creatures, including Norfolk's own Black Shuck.
Black Magic
Magical spells or rituals practiced with the intention of harming others.
Book Test
Communication in which the sitter is asked to look at a specific book and page in order to receive a significant message. An effect in which the psychic or mentalist divines the words written on a particular page of a book.